17 and a Half Questions with Dr. Dilek Gürsoy

We ask inspiring people 17 and a half questions. Dr. Dilek Gürsoy is a Cardiac Surgeon, Artificial Heart Specialist, and the first female surgeon in Europe to implant an artificial heart. However, in another life, she would have loved to have been a puppy breeder

by Natascha Zeljko | 17 Nov, 2022
Photo: Simon Erath

1.  Something that excites me about my job…

The elegance and calmness needed for this sort of delicate surgery.

2.  Something that frustrates me sometimes…

Colleagues who associate good cardiac surgery with elbow grease and a lot of pointless ego.

3.  My secret ideal alternative job

A puppy breeder

4.  My top strategy for surviving a really bad day at the office

Thinking about the upcoming weekend and the good moments that will come with it, and just blocking out all the stupid moments and moving on.

5.  The moments when I get into the flow

When anything or anyone makes me happy, for example, when all the traffic lights turn green one after the other, or when the cleaner at the clinic brings in home baked goods on a shift – they're the best.

6.  My biggest success so far

I haven’t achieved it yet…

7.  My greatest defeat

I do not know; by that I mean that what could be seen as defeats, I see as nothing, but acts of providence and it’s all for the best.

8.  The worst commonly used word  

When women are called Mädchen or girl.

9.  The best reward after a hard week at work… 

Good food, ice cream, and good music.

10.  Early shift or late shift (which do you prefer)?  

Definitely the early shift.

11. The most important quality a colleague/business partner can have 

Honesty and decency.

12. My hack for creativity  

Reflecting on my best moments alone and in peace.

13. The first website I check in the morning 

The news.

14. My favorite digital tool 

Google Translator

15. Which book or series did you learn the most from to help your (working) life? 

Chicago Hope!

16. What series, book, or podcast would you recommend? 

The podcast My Grand Story.

17. Who is your most prominent follower on social media? 

Haluk Piyes, from Kanak Attack.

17 and a half: Something that has always bugged me... 

Prevailing entrenched systems and structures that offer no room for visionaries.



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